Starting an Online Business
Are you thinking about starting your own online business?
I receive so many questions on how to take your dreams to new heights. I’m here with some tips and tricks that have helped me along my journey!
- Originality & Authenticity: There’s no one else like you! We each bring something unique to the table. Jot down a few things that make you unique. What is something you regularly do or say? What are the things that you like? What can you bring to your business that is solely unique to you? With such a content heavy space like Instagram, viewers are looking for something new and fresh. Some of my favorite ways to bring originality are to pull inspiration from outside of my space. I am inspired by my travels, by art, by music and by businesses outside of my realm. Think big when it comes to who you pull inspiration from but remember, no one else is you!
- Work Life Balance: Starting a new adventure is exciting, especially when you are passionate about it! I remember starting Soul Fed and using every ounce of my energy on new ideas for the shop in the beginning, so much so that I even focused on the business during family or friend time. Remember, it is important to have down time to spark new creativity, and you never know when that will be. It is so easy to become consumed with the thoughts of your new business. A big tip from me - make sure you take time to enjoy your life and those in it! I have gotten ideas I would have never thought of for the shop in moments with loved ones. Those ideas are still used in the shop today. If I only prioritized the business, I would have missed out on big ideas!
- Always learning and growing: When you start a new business it’s so easy to want everything to be perfect from the start. You’ll quickly learn, starting a business is a lot like going to school. It is a constant learning and growing space. Soul Fed did not start how I envisioned it, but I started it knowing that I needed to learn and grow to get to where I wanted to be. I would have never gotten to where I am in Soul Fed without making mistakes or going through moments of trial and error.
- Having Solid Support Systems:It is so important to have a solid support system on your side when starting a business. There are a lot of ups and downs that come with learning and growing in your space. Having people to bounce ideas off of or to pick you up on the down days is SO important. Make sure you take time to get to know some of the people in your space. You never know when they could become your next best friend.